Appleās Text-to-Speech and Speech Recognition Software
The "Text-to-Speech" and "Speech Recognition" folders found with this note include documentation, sample code, system extensions, libraries and header files that developers can use to create Macintosh applications that talk and listen!
The "PlainTalk 1.5" folder contains copies of Apple's PlainTalk family of speech software, which Apple ships on many of its Macintosh computers today. This includes "English Text-to-Speech", "Mexican Spanish Text-to-Speech", and "English Speech Recognition". These packages include the system extensions that let the Mac talk and listen, and utilities to show them off a bit -- utilities like SimpleText (which can speak) and Speakable Items (which can listen and open Finder files when a user says their names). Read-me files in the "PlainTalk 1.5" folder describes these utilities more. The information in the "Text-to-Speech" and "Speech Recognition" folders allows developers to create more sophisticated, fun, and useful applications that communicate with users, at least in part, through speech.
Developers can license, at no cost, current versions of Apple's text-to-speech and speech recognition software for distribution with applications that use them. (Licensing policies and software versions can change, so check with Apple's licensing group at -- or AppleLink: SW.LICENSE -- for current licensing information.)
Developers can find current information on all of Apple's Software Developer Kits, including PlainTalk Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech software, on the World Wide Web at: